its sad when you realise your not the only one feeling as confused and filled with a feeling of nothingness that breeds scary thoughts of death and how it will be better if one cannot feel the day to day emotions that are so normal for other people and yet so alien to the one bearing the cross of having depression... xxx
.... Hannah, Depression can lead to alot of things.. suicide is one of them.. I'm Sorry xx It is really sad that you had no one to help you..but there was.. Clay Jenson..
wouldn't it be cool if the author wrote the book over again in a couple other points of views? like tony's when he was watching ppl? or jessica dealing with the rape? or even jenny after she found out someone was killed cuz of the sign she broke?
I think the author should just find someone who wants to make a movie about this book .. cause this would soo good! I can absolutly imagine how the movie will be filmed and who the acter will be and all that. The book is really sad, I am from Germany and I got it from my cousin, she said that I should read it and it was in English. I t was so good. I actually started to read it after I end it again. Good job!(:
I have- HAD a cousin who died in a car 'accident' a couple years ago. He was clinically depressed, and even had attempted suicide by hangig himself, from the time he was eleven or twelve. It's strange that a few days after his longterm girlfriend broke up with him, he drove into a pole and passed away. It was marked an accidental death. I also have many friends who cut or are cutting themselves, which I have been able to get them to get helo and get into recovery. This book made me cry so much. My eyes were swollen for days. I did it for a book report, and it made a lot of other people cry too. If you haven't read it yett, please read it!
This isn't a real story rite? I'm kinda getting confused by the comments! I am reading the book and thinkn it's not but from the comments it looks like it is. Can someone plz tell me? And I rly rly think this the book should be a movie! They cld put each character when they're listenn and flashbacks! The movie wld be amazing!
hannah. hannah. hannah. hannah. hannah. Why. i guess i know. I got 13 reasons dont i? i wish i could of gave you a hug. You didnt have to die. Sometimes i thought i would want to be dead than alive, but then after awhile, it got better. i guess you got tired of waiting. You got pushed to the edge. Im so sorry they let you fall. i would've caught you. I know youre not real, but you feel like you are. but if you were, and i knew you, i would of saved you when no one else could. And hannah? Thanks. You made me think.
Oh my gosh the book isn't even true. you guys should get lives and stop crying over something the author made up. There is no way to hug hannah, she is not real.
BRANT, those are the kind of thoughts that the 13 people had. Maybe people were POSITIVE and ACTUALLY cared about people then maybe the teen suicide rate wouldnt be climbing in todays society.
Hannah is every individual who has ever self-harmed, contemplated/attempted suicide, or did succeed in committing suicide. She may be a character, but this novel is somewhat of an allegory. Hannah is a figurehead who represents those who find themselves in situations like these. As someone who has been there, who has been clinically depressed, who has cut, and who is currently in therapy, I can appreciate the value of this novel and the comments people are making. A high-schooler in my hometown recently committed suicide. He posted his death date that day on facebook along with RIP and May God have mercy on my soul. No one knows his reasons, but if more attention had been paid to this young man, maybe something could have been done. Suicide awareness is needed, and this book is going in the right direction.
I read the book and it made me cry too. I tried really hard to understand what drove her to suicide.. And.. though she didn't really have had the best life I don't think suicide is the right way out.
Actually.. I was playing with suicidal thoughts.. I thought I had nothing to live for anymore. Bit after I read the books it made me realize how ignorant I have been!!! It was like I wanted to die! That's soo wrong! I'm happy I read the book and I'm even happier I didn't do it! And to be honest Hannah shouldn't have done it. It's just not worth it..
I work to hep prevent Suicide through a suicide prevention coalition. Hannah is right in saying she is very real. Every 17 minutes we loose a teen to suicide. Please if you know someone who is thinking about suicide take it serious! Become educated , learn the Facts and Warning signs NOW!Thank you for this sight.
This book describes the feelings of a suicidal person so... accurately. It's almost scary how much of Hannah I see in myself. Thanks for helping me realize how much actions affect people, Jay.
I am Chilean and the book I loved it. This book suggests. as an anonymous above, I also played several times with is suicide, I was often to achieve this, but never achieved, read this book has made me see that life is not so bad, or at least worth to live. Today I tell to Hannah: Dear Hannah sorry, for all that you grow and especially because you didn't have much support, the last straw was Mr. Porter, I would be delighted to help you Hannah,'ll stay in my life forever.
This book makes me cry, I've read it 8 times now and each time I tell myself I won't cry-but it never works. Thanks Jay Asher, thanks for writing this book so that every time I think 'What's the point in living?!' I can look back at Hannah's life and think: 'There IS a point.' Because, yes, there is a point. So, if anyone is ever considering suicide think of those 4 little but powerful words: 'There IS a point'.
Yes, I agree. There is definitely a point in living. Life is a beautiful amazing thing worth living. Think about nothing-nothing at all-it is a horrible thought but-hey-when Hannah killed herself-then there would've been nothing. Nothing.
Yes, I agree. There is definitely a point in living. Life is a beautiful amazing thing worth living. Think about nothing-nothing at all-it is a horrible thought but-hey-when Hannah killed herself-then there would've been nothing. Nothing.
I remember during my second year at college when I was walking up and down the stairs, I would fantasize about throwing myself over the rallying to my death. To this day I still don't know why I felt this desire to end my life. Maybe a mild case of depression? Luckily that feeling only lasted for about a month and I never tried anything. Now I have a really very good reason to stay alive, and I hope others will remember their reasons to stay alive as well. To all the Hannah's out there; don't give up on life. But you already did, I pray that you have found peace in the afterlife.
I drink a banana and peanut butter milkshake now when I feel the hopelessness washing up. Its like this thick soup in your head that won't let the good thoughts come in. But I won't be like you Hannah. I won't let them break me. I won't let them drown me.
Hannah banana with peanut butter and ice cream glass sweating over fingertips like the glass it crying too.
Hanna what would you tell some one who feels like you? If you had another day or even week, would it have changed your mind. Is there anything that any one could have said or done to stop you?
I now realise what it feels like to be Hannah, my best friend has turned against me and everyone in my tutor is calling me a slut. I don't know why. My boyfriend dumped me because of the false rumours, and even though I must admit I have thought about suicide, I have never gone past thinking about it because my family are so close to me I wouldn't dream of breaking their hearts as well as mine. But I need help! I realise that once you have thought about suicide it usually sticks in your head and it is definitely sticking in mine :(
NEVER EVER EVER DO WAT HANNAH DID. anyone out there please don't, i know just reading words on a computer won't change anything but maybe my story will: I am an only child and my Dad was murdered a couple of years ago. My Mum has never been her cheery self since. She was always grumpy and never got up in the morning. We ran out of money soon because of my Dad's death and the fact that Mum was fired. She never said anything to me other than 'hi' after my dads death. But one week, just before a school trip she was all like 'bye honey! i'm gonna miss you so much!' and all the things that normal mums say. I thought, 'wow, she's a lot better like this, i hope it stays!' after 3 days of my school trip, i found the real reason of her aying goodbye, i got sent to my teacher half way through, she looked solemn as ever and I wondered why i was in trouble. all shye said was, 'love, i think you need to go home, your aunty will tell you what's happened'. and so, yeah, i guess you guess whatt had happened-my mom had killed herself-my aunty never mentions anything about it now, she didnt even tell me when how where or anything about the story, im just left wondering. So I hope none of you will do that, because it makes anyone and everyone guilty, knowing they could've helped.
@anonymus I'm so sorry, it must be really hard for you. Reading what you wrote makes my problems miniature, I hope it hasn't affected you in any way to think about suicide yourself. I suppose it would put you off it actually x
there are thirteen reasons to commit suicide but 10 times that to live. I identify with Hannah writing poems but actually calling out to y ourself for acceptance. Striking at yourself and taking chances, hinting just slightly as a call for help. Waiting for someone to notice, for the one person to keep pushing even when you smack their hand away. Pray we all find that someone to rescue us before its too late and pray we learn to speak the truth about ourselves and get help. Pray people realize the repercussions of their actions.
Anonymous - After reading your story, I'm relieved that you seem to be completely against suicide. Your story made me cry more than the book made me cry. Your story has already changed the way I see the world. My mum's mum committed suicide too in 1979. She was 48, my mum was 22 at the time. I never got to meet my grandma (neither did my dad), and I really wish I had. It took my mum years and years to recover, but she never ever talks about grandma. I hope you are strong enough to cope. Thanks for sharing your story.
Please, please, please, all of you readers, DO NOT think that if Hannah got away with sucide, you guys will get away with it. Suicide is horrible,and yuou never know, more than 15 humans in this world just love you. And atleast five people think of you before they go to bed. I cant say I've ever had any psychological problems, but I've helped people with them quite alot. And tahnks to god, they've all walked away from suicide. Th1rteen R3asons Why, seems to be an amazing book. But Hopefully, all of you will learn the proper lesseon from it.
I lived like Hannah every day throughout high school. I went through the rumors and the lies and all of that, with the thought of wanting to kill myself. And I've tried. Until I got help through a friend of mine. And I'm forever thankful for them.
I really like this part the best (if you read the book) and I think that the story should have been told from Mr.Porter's point of view. That's what I think.
Hm, I don't know what to think about this book. I mean, the story is sad and somewhat interesting to read. But, really, it is a bit too much. Everything makes it unreal. Hannah first, moved to a new city where she knew no one, she was in love with a boy who made up rumors about her, her two friends left her and made each other hate her, more than one boy was sexually harassing her, she over and over again got let down by people she trusted and she had "no one". It is a bit too much? Even though she might not have been exageratting, but all her problems made it seem that way. On top of all, she sucessfully killed herself. Still, we learned that every action is linked to another action and that it is important to take things seriously...
I hope you understand, though, that suicidal thoughts can be provoked by a lot less than this. Watch out for your friends, will you?
A book that makes you think is a book worth reading. the pages bring you into situations that make to think of ways to get out of them. Suicide. Would i commit suicide? i would probably try, but then i would think of all the things that make life the way is is, like a sweet coffee in the morning, a warm soup on a cold afternoon, sunsets. Alot of people that go by the name 'Anonymous' on this page made me want to right this. Confusion. Yeah, that sums it up.
Hannah. You didn't have anybody to talk to. You needed to get closer to somebody but you let it slip away. You couldn't have been saved you didn't tell anybody you were hurting. Also, you should of stood up for yourself. We all know that there was something else you could of done but you didn't.
Sad to realize what people are going through. You don't even notice that they're falling apart deep inside themselves. And no one does anything until action is/was being taken. Don't take anyone for granted. I am currently in Hannah's position freshman in highscool, and dealing with many things. I have contemplated suicide, but after reading this book it has changed my WHOLE entire life. I am now going to guidance counselors, and dealing with everything I'm going through. PLEASE if you feel like you're going to harm yourself, talk to someone, anyone that will be there for you. Don't be afraid to let it out.
I've read the book the first time a few years ago and was shocked to find myself in it. I saw myself in Hannah's thoughts and it scared the hell out of me. Then I put the book away until a few days ago. I'm now not shocked anymore. I just read it and see myself. I remember cutting my hair like Hannah did. I started to paint my nails black when I was depressed though I usually wear white or bright things. I started to put on make-up, all at once and no-one noticed back then. Today I have to fight with my own mood. With sadness and the growing wish to just give up. I'm walking through school with my head down, my eyes are dark and I don't smile anymore. My friends don't notice. They don't notice and never tried to help me which made me feel even more worthless. The really sad thing is that two of them have read 13 Reasons Why but never understood what it was supposed to say. I'm not fighting anymore to feel better I have to confess, because whenever I tried i got pushed more to the edge.
this book made me reolize that everything someone says and does affects the people around them and it may make things worse. this book made me think about what I do before I do it. I made me look at my life from a different point of view and reach out to the people I really care about.this book made such a big dirrerence in my life. :)
Ive thought about doing what Hanna did several times and this book made me reolize that somepeople would miss me but most would not. I have found this book to be insperational but at the same time to make me think about how everything would go if i were to leave. I'm struggling to stay and to make it so no one knows still, as always. I always know more about people than they know about me, which is fine with me. Remeber the quiet people, or the people that dont talk about their feelings much, or the people that seem like they have everything perfect. because they may be in pain like Hanna and me. there are more people in you're life that have problems than you think so try to make sure everyone is ok no matter what. Thank you :)
This book is one of my favorite and it helped and changed me. :)
For those of you who are thinking about suicide. There might be some reasons to kill yourself maybe 1 2 or maybe even 10 But than there's over 100 reasons to live Don't forget that.
So I know it's already been like 4 months since you posted this and I want to make sure're ok. Because if you're not here's what you need to do: stop changing yourself. You don't need to change. Go back to smiling and not wearing makeup and wearing bright colors. Go to your friends and tell them you need help and if they don't take you seriously then they really aren't and were never your real friends. Just...dont give up. Never give up. Build trust with different people and start over. But please....thing will get better. It might be stormy now but it can't rain forever. I promise you.
It's so overwhelming to read all these comments. Don't give up. Don't ever give up. Thing will be better. Thirteen reasons why. Don't end up like Hannah who left her clay behind.
Hmm I strongly disagree. The actions spoken In this book can happen to any of us. Maybe not in this specific order but it can happen. I was betrayed by the one I loved and he started spreading rumors about me, and my Two closest friends turned there backs on me. Some things in this book can happen to real people. I really connected with this book. It night not me based on a true story but it's based on actual events in every day teen lives.
Everything that happened to Hannah can happen to anyone, it may seem like too much but it's true. My mother was sexually abused by several different people in just a matter of a few years. One thing almost always leads to another. It may seem over the top but it can happen and it does.
Hannah pissed me off! It wasnt Porters fault. She had her mind made up and he was the excuse, the permission she needed to do it. She copped out. Ive seen shit, bad shit, Ive known ppl who have been severely abused, were raised by parents smoking the pipe or shooting heroin, and trying to sell them for drugs, and guess what? they are ok now. I wanted to die and I lived just one more day because it gets better, not right away, but it does. you just gotta keep going, 1 second at a time if need be. Hannahs reasons were BS to kill herself. Im sorry. A bunch of f'd up mistakes that hannah didnt even really have control over and she put it on herself. she could of said something, stopped something. She chose to not grow a pair of lady balls and take the easy way out. while the girl who got raped is alive and dealing. SMFH Hannah you're a fool and while suicide is sad after the fact its pointless. My friend erie tried to die and almost did and when she woke up (was in a coma, tried to od herself) she cried and said she was glad she did NOT die.
I've now read the book in two different languages and it has the same power in both of them, i really could feel clay's feelings and i really could understand him
It's my favorite book and it helped me a lot some times Life's worth to live, i knew that before but the books made me think about it seriously
Hey, hannah i'm sorry about what happpened i got bullied for 2 years and i felt like if my life was gone things would be better. But then you realize what would i do without my family, friends, support, most impotantly my crush! what would my future look like? what would it be like? would i make something new in the world? If you believen in yourself and know you can do it then you can. But you would have to see that stuff before anyone else would. :) <3 ~ Jessi Marie.
i read the book its very nice it made me cry actually and i really feel sorry for clay he really like hannah and he wanted to helo her but it was to late because she killed her self��������������������������������������������
I have just read the book and its really good to understand what she was going through and what it feels like so we can try to shops out on the future.
Im on page 105 and im already in love with the book! Its not all made up fantasy.. Its something that could or has already happened.. Like 'The Fault In Our Stars', sad books but the truth written all other them.
Im on page 105 and im already in love with the book! Its not all made up fantasy.. Its something that could or has already happened.. Like 'The Fault In Our Stars', sad books but the truth written all other them.
First of all, can I just say thank you to Jay for creating such an inspiring book.
I, myself, have recently contemplated ending my life, and so I completely understand how Hannah feels. When my mum asked why I felt depressed and why I wanted to die, I couldn't give her a solid answer, and I haven't been able to give anyone a solid answer. Why? Because there isn't one thing that makes me feel such a way, just like Hannah.
I appreciate that the author made the group think the person was begging for attention, rather than making them give proper answers and advice, because that's what actually happens. Most of the time when you come out about having suicidal thoughts and/or are depressed, people think that you're begging for attention, which in a way, you are, you want people to see that you need help because you're too afraid to tell them yourself. You want comfort. But, you aren't doing it because you want everyone to focus on you and you want all the attention.
Even though Hannah is just a fictional character, like all other characters in books, I say thank you. Because for a character that lives in the few pages of this book, she understands me more than anyone in real life.
I wake up in the mornings, I wake up because that's what is expected of me. I do everything Im supposed to do in a robotic trance. I put a smile on my face and jerk myself into every movement, the thoughts that plague my mind are the most painful thing ive ever suffered through.......This book and an experince showed me something, heres what happened I went to church the other day looking searching for clearance and I found something much different I found a young man in my youth group who had a close friend who commited suicide, he said that his friend was always happy or so it appered he said that his friend always had a smile on his face and that it seems he did a great job of bottling everything wrong up inside. I saw how this young man reacted about his friend, what struck me the most is he said his friend was only 15..... Im 13.. What if Im next? what if nobody notices? I know that I probly don't have the right to say this but if your out their and you read this and your going through the same thing as me, stop putting yourself through this get help be happy and live out your dreams life is to short the be contemplating the end early. As for me im fighting this daily stuggle just as Hannah did maybe my story will end differently then Hannahs story im no searching for attention im just trying to tell my story so others with change their story or a friends story and will not end up with suicide has an unnecessercary implant
This book is the voice for so many of us. From the suicidal teens to self harming people. It just sucks that Hannah had to commit suicide for Clay to realise his feelings and alk the chances he couldve taken as well as for him to notice skye. ~ Mele
This...was just amazing. Its awesome that youve written this because its like your testimony. youre showing how youre fighting and battling through this and youre trying to help others. Thanj you so much and I hope you get better because I know I am :) ~ Mele
i dont see why people are talking to you. you are a fictional character and you are dead. and i live in uk . mum not mom. colour not color . color . i am a robot :O
OMGGGG hannahh is bae i love her so much she is not dead this is just a piece of shit made up hannah is my besto and i love her soooo much peace out hannah xoxox Head Cheerleader xox you deserved nothing but the best bae xxooxxo
Hannah i was on my holibags in amsterdam and my plane crashed i am stranded in the nuit region and you deserved none of this if i was there i would of stayed and help you but anyway bae love you sososos much.. ohno why am i talking to the dead oh no wait FICTIONAL dead first dobby and now you oh well
This is probably one of the best books I have ever read! The audio tapes on the website make it so much more realistic! This story really played on my mind and emotions! Can't wait for the movie!
Because Hannah was doing the tapes in order and in order for the tape to flow onto Jenny, Clay had to be involved. Also, Hannah wanted Clay to know why she made him leave at the party and why she didn't talk to him again after they made out at the party.
I'm sorry but i don't find if the story of Hannah is real.I mean, i ask myself if is it a thrue story or if is it a fiction story? Can you say it to me please? Because i love this book and he moved me, really
the sad thing is there are a thousand girls and guys out there just like Hannah. I hope everyone treats them with care, kindness, and love, 'cause that's all you need to live. sadly, Hannah did not receive one bit of any but regret. take care - A
Hannah, I'm so sorry that you felt so lost and alone and that no one reached out to you even though now it's so painfully obvious you were drowning. I'd like to say I would have let you know you're not alone but I'm not sure how much of a difference it would have made when your whole world had just become so messes up. I wish you would have told someone. Told Tony, told Clay because they cared and do care about you so so much and they could have helped you. Maybe you wouldn't have felt so much like you were drowning, even if you still had to stand on tippy toes to reach the surface. I hope you're okay. Wherever you are, if anywhere. You're with Jeff, right? And well, who knows about Alex? I just hope everyone is as okay as they can possibly be. No suffering.
Mr.porter exactly like our people...we’re shouting we want kill ours elves but... They don’t care:)they just care about stupid things like hairstyles or makeup or anything else...I hate peoples. People make me feel pain all the time...I think like Hannah
I think whatever Hannah did or if someone suicides, then , there is a reason, and although it's gonna affect their near and dear ones, it's still their choice, it's an option always available to them, I don't understand why the fuck it is banned and considered illegal, they just can't take it any more, and we'll after they are dead, it's good, instead of crying , we should be happy for them, they left the fucking life they had.
I think mR Poter did his homework.Most people don't know how to help an individual who needs help unless help is asked.Mr poter waited to be furnished with information.when information is withheld how do you help??
Yo mate a Hannah Baker todos matamos a Hannah Baker todos tuvimos nuestra oportunidad de detenerla pero no lo hicimos Ya verás maldito Bryce no vas a salir vivo...
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the book, the show, this website, the youtube channel with "hannah's" tapes. those all make it seem so real. i get sucked in to the fantasy of it all and sometimes i wonder, am i really contemplating suicide? or is it just because of the book and the show? i can imagine myself in hannahs shoes and oh, its such a horrible thing to imagine. but then at the same time i feel like it may all be worth it. life is a wonderful and horrible thing all at the same time. i just never know which one it is more. and if it is one more than the other, how do i know im making the right choice? if there even a way you can really tell? i hope someone sees this comment and replies to it but i doubt it since no one has posted one since dec 14, 2021.
I did.
I'm sorry Hannah.
So sorry.
its sad when you realise your not the only one feeling as confused and filled with a feeling of nothingness that breeds scary thoughts of death and how it will be better if one cannot feel the day to day emotions that are so normal for other people and yet so alien to the one bearing the cross of having depression... xxx
.... Hannah,
Depression can lead to alot of things.. suicide is one of them..
I'm Sorry xx
It is really sad that you had no one to help you..but there was.. Clay Jenson..
I am so sorry x xx
wouldn't it be cool if the author wrote the book over again in a couple other points of views? like tony's when he was watching ppl? or jessica dealing with the rape? or even jenny after she found out someone was killed cuz of the sign she broke?
I think the author should just find someone who wants to make a movie about this book .. cause this would soo good!
I can absolutly imagine how the movie will be filmed and who the acter will be and all that.
The book is really sad, I am from Germany and I got it from my cousin, she said that I should read it and it was in English. I t was so good. I actually started to read it after I end it again. Good job!(:
I have- HAD a cousin who died in a car 'accident' a couple years ago. He was clinically depressed, and even had attempted suicide by hangig himself, from the time he was eleven or twelve. It's strange that a few days after his longterm girlfriend broke up with him, he drove into a pole and passed away. It was marked an accidental death. I also have many friends who cut or are cutting themselves, which I have been able to get them to get helo and get into recovery. This book made me cry so much. My eyes were swollen for days. I did it for a book report, and it made a lot of other people cry too. If you haven't read it yett, please read it!
This book changed my life.
As simple as that.
This isn't a real story rite? I'm kinda getting confused by the comments! I am reading the book and thinkn it's not but from the comments it looks like it is. Can someone plz tell me? And I rly rly think this the book should be a movie! They cld put each character when they're listenn and flashbacks! The movie wld be amazing!
hannah. hannah. hannah. hannah. hannah. Why. i guess i know. I got 13 reasons dont i? i wish i could of gave you a hug. You didnt have to die. Sometimes i thought i would want to be dead than alive, but then after awhile, it got better. i guess you got tired of waiting. You got pushed to the edge. Im so sorry they let you fall. i would've caught you. I know youre not real, but you feel like you are. but if you were, and i knew you, i would of saved you when no one else could. And hannah? Thanks. You made me think.
Oh my gosh the book isn't even true. you guys should get lives and stop crying over something the author made up. There is no way to hug hannah, she is not real.
BRANT, those are the kind of thoughts that the 13 people had. Maybe people were POSITIVE and ACTUALLY cared about people then maybe the teen suicide rate wouldnt be climbing in todays society.
But I am real Meghan.
As real as can be
Hannah is every individual who has ever self-harmed, contemplated/attempted suicide, or did succeed in committing suicide. She may be a character, but this novel is somewhat of an allegory. Hannah is a figurehead who represents those who find themselves in situations like these. As someone who has been there, who has been clinically depressed, who has cut, and who is currently in therapy, I can appreciate the value of this novel and the comments people are making. A high-schooler in my hometown recently committed suicide. He posted his death date that day on facebook along with RIP and May God have mercy on my soul. No one knows his reasons, but if more attention had been paid to this young man, maybe something could have been done. Suicide awareness is needed, and this book is going in the right direction.
I read the book and it made me cry too. I tried really hard to understand what drove her to suicide..
And.. though she didn't really have had the best life I don't think suicide is the right way out.
Actually.. I was playing with suicidal thoughts.. I thought I had nothing to live for anymore.
Bit after I read the books it made me realize how ignorant I have been!!!
It was like I wanted to die!
That's soo wrong! I'm happy I read the book and I'm even happier I didn't do it!
And to be honest Hannah shouldn't have done it.
It's just not worth it..
I work to hep prevent Suicide through a suicide prevention coalition. Hannah is right in saying she is very real. Every 17 minutes we loose a teen to suicide. Please if you know someone who is thinking about suicide take it serious! Become educated , learn the Facts and Warning signs NOW!Thank you for this sight.
this book makes you think
thats all i have to say.
it made me think about what some people have to go through and to appreciate this. Poor hannah, she shouldn't have commited suicide,
but it was her choice.
its sad but its true. i get it hannah darling. today, december 8th i lived like hannah. i was in her position. im sorry hannah, darling.
This book describes the feelings of a suicidal person so... accurately. It's almost scary how much of Hannah I see in myself. Thanks for helping me realize how much actions affect people, Jay.
I am Chilean and the book I loved it. This book suggests. as an anonymous above, I also played several times with is suicide, I was often to achieve this, but never achieved, read this book has made me see that life is not so bad, or at least worth to live. Today I tell to Hannah: Dear Hannah sorry, for all that you grow and especially because you didn't have much support, the last straw was Mr. Porter, I would be delighted to help you Hannah,'ll stay in my life forever.
This book makes me cry, I've read it 8 times now and each time I tell myself I won't cry-but it never works. Thanks Jay Asher, thanks for writing this book so that every time I think 'What's the point in living?!' I can look back at Hannah's life and think: 'There IS a point.' Because, yes, there is a point. So, if anyone is ever considering suicide think of those 4 little but powerful words: 'There IS a point'.
Yes, I agree. There is definitely a point in living. Life is a beautiful amazing thing worth living. Think about nothing-nothing at all-it is a horrible thought but-hey-when Hannah killed herself-then there would've been nothing. Nothing.
Yes, I agree. There is definitely a point in living. Life is a beautiful amazing thing worth living. Think about nothing-nothing at all-it is a horrible thought but-hey-when Hannah killed herself-then there would've been nothing. Nothing.
Guys, can someone explain to me why Ckay was in the tapes? Im still a bit confused, amazing book though! :D
Oh you miss life? Do you miss anything?
I remember during my second year at college when I was walking up and down the stairs, I would fantasize about throwing myself over the rallying to my death. To this day I still don't know why I felt this desire to end my life. Maybe a mild case of depression? Luckily that feeling only lasted for about a month and I never tried anything.
Now I have a really very good reason to stay alive, and I hope others will remember their reasons to stay alive as well.
To all the Hannah's out there; don't give up on life. But you already did, I pray that you have found peace in the afterlife.
Hannah, I am so sorry. I hope he takes those tapes straight to hell.
When I read this book I knew that I wasn't alone.
I drink a banana and peanut butter milkshake now when I feel the hopelessness washing up. Its like this thick soup in your head that won't let the good thoughts come in. But I won't be like you Hannah. I won't let them break me. I won't let them drown me.
Hannah banana with peanut butter and ice cream glass sweating over fingertips like the glass it crying too.
Salt makes it sweeter.
this book changed my life...bad and good
Hanna what would you tell some one who feels like you? If you had another day or even week, would it have changed your mind. Is there anything that any one could have said or done to stop you?
I now realise what it feels like to be Hannah, my best friend has turned against me and everyone in my tutor is calling me a slut. I don't know why. My boyfriend dumped me because of the false rumours, and even though I must admit I have thought about suicide, I have never gone past thinking about it because my family are so close to me I wouldn't dream of breaking their hearts as well as mine. But I need help! I realise that once you have thought about suicide it usually sticks in your head and it is definitely sticking in mine :(
NEVER EVER EVER DO WAT HANNAH DID. anyone out there please don't, i know just reading words on a computer won't change anything but maybe my story will: I am an only child and my Dad was murdered a couple of years ago. My Mum has never been her cheery self since. She was always grumpy and never got up in the morning. We ran out of money soon because of my Dad's death and the fact that Mum was fired. She never said anything to me other than 'hi' after my dads death. But one week, just before a school trip she was all like 'bye honey! i'm gonna miss you so much!' and all the things that normal mums say. I thought, 'wow, she's a lot better like this, i hope it stays!' after 3 days of my school trip, i found the real reason of her aying goodbye, i got sent to my teacher half way through, she looked solemn as ever and I wondered why i was in trouble. all shye said was, 'love, i think you need to go home, your aunty will tell you what's happened'. and so, yeah, i guess you guess whatt had happened-my mom had killed herself-my aunty never mentions anything about it now, she didnt even tell me when how where or anything about the story, im just left wondering. So I hope none of you will do that, because it makes anyone and everyone guilty, knowing they could've helped.
@anonymus I'm so sorry, it must be really hard for you. Reading what you wrote makes my problems miniature, I hope it hasn't affected you in any way to think about suicide yourself. I suppose it would put you off it actually x
there are thirteen reasons to commit suicide but 10 times that to live. I identify with Hannah writing poems but actually calling out to y ourself for acceptance. Striking at yourself and taking chances, hinting just slightly as a call for help. Waiting for someone to notice, for the one person to keep pushing even when you smack their hand away. Pray we all find that someone to rescue us before its too late and pray we learn to speak the truth about ourselves and get help. Pray people realize the repercussions of their actions.
If I had a Clay Jenson, I wouldn't have pushed him away. :'(
Anonymous - After reading your story, I'm relieved that you seem to be completely against suicide. Your story made me cry more than the book made me cry. Your story has already changed the way I see the world. My mum's mum committed suicide too in 1979. She was 48, my mum was 22 at the time. I never got to meet my grandma (neither did my dad), and I really wish I had. It took my mum years and years to recover, but she never ever talks about grandma. I hope you are strong enough to cope. Thanks for sharing your story.
Please, please, please, all of you readers, DO NOT think that if Hannah got away with sucide, you guys will get away with it.
Suicide is horrible,and yuou never know, more than 15 humans in this world just love you. And atleast five people think of you before they go to bed.
I cant say I've ever had any psychological problems, but I've helped people with them quite alot. And tahnks to god, they've all walked away from suicide.
Th1rteen R3asons Why, seems to be an amazing book. But Hopefully, all of you will learn the proper lesseon from it.
I lived like Hannah every day throughout high school. I went through the rumors and the lies and all of that, with the thought of wanting to kill myself. And I've tried. Until I got help through a friend of mine. And I'm forever thankful for them.
I really like this part the best (if you read the book) and I think that the story should have been told from Mr.Porter's point of view. That's what I think.
Hm, I don't know what to think about this book. I mean, the story is sad and somewhat interesting to read. But, really, it is a bit too much. Everything makes it unreal. Hannah first, moved to a new city where she knew no one, she was in love with a boy who made up rumors about her, her two friends left her and made each other hate her, more than one boy was sexually harassing her, she over and over again got let down by people she trusted and she had "no one". It is a bit too much? Even though she might not have been exageratting, but all her problems made it seem that way. On top of all, she sucessfully killed herself. Still, we learned that every action is linked to another action and that it is important to take things seriously...
I hope you understand, though, that suicidal thoughts can be provoked by a lot less than this. Watch out for your friends, will you?
A book that makes you think is a book worth reading. the pages bring you into situations that make to think of ways to get out of them. Suicide.
Would i commit suicide? i would probably try, but then i would think of all the things that make life the way is is, like a sweet coffee in the morning, a warm soup on a cold afternoon, sunsets.
Alot of people that go by the name 'Anonymous' on this page made me want to right this. Confusion. Yeah, that sums it up.
it's funny how people give out signs and no one looks/listens. Really, some people can look past their nose. :(
I should know
Hannah. You didn't have anybody to talk to. You needed to get closer to somebody but you let it slip away. You couldn't have been saved you didn't tell anybody you were hurting. Also, you should of stood up for yourself. We all know that there was something else you could of done but you didn't.
Sad to realize what people are going through. You don't even notice that they're falling apart deep inside themselves. And no one does anything until action is/was being taken. Don't take anyone for granted. I am currently in Hannah's position freshman in highscool, and dealing with many things. I have contemplated suicide, but after reading this book it has changed my WHOLE entire life. I am now going to guidance counselors, and dealing with everything I'm going through. PLEASE if you feel like you're going to harm yourself, talk to someone, anyone that will be there for you. Don't be afraid to let it out.
-Hanna Demetrius
This only works if someone cares. That's a big assumption to make. No one cares.
I've read the book the first time a few years ago and was shocked to find myself in it. I saw myself in Hannah's thoughts and it scared the hell out of me.
Then I put the book away until a few days ago. I'm now not shocked anymore. I just read it and see myself. I remember cutting my hair like Hannah did. I started to paint my nails black when I was depressed though I usually wear white or bright things. I started to put on make-up, all at once and no-one noticed back then.
Today I have to fight with my own mood. With sadness and the growing wish to just give up. I'm walking through school with my head down, my eyes are dark and I don't smile anymore. My friends don't notice.
They don't notice and never tried to help me which made me feel even more worthless. The really sad thing is that two of them have read 13 Reasons Why but never understood what it was supposed to say.
I'm not fighting anymore to feel better I have to confess, because whenever I tried i got pushed more to the edge.
Hannah is simply Hannah. You can't speculate or come up with a rational reason about who she is exactly or why she exists. Just read and learn.
this book made me reolize that everything someone says and does affects the people around them and it may make things worse. this book made me think about what I do before I do it. I made me look at my life from a different point of view and reach out to the people I really care about.this book made such a big dirrerence in my life. :)
Ive thought about doing what Hanna did several times and this book made me reolize that somepeople would miss me but most would not. I have found this book to be insperational but at the same time
to make me think about how everything would go if i were to leave. I'm struggling to stay and to make it so no one knows still, as always. I always know more about people than they know about me, which is fine with me. Remeber the quiet people, or the people that dont talk about their feelings much, or the people that seem like they have everything perfect. because they may be in pain like Hanna and me. there are more people in you're life that have problems than you think so try to make sure everyone is ok no matter what.
Thank you :)
This book is one of my favorite and it helped and changed me. :)
For those of you who are thinking about suicide.
There might be some reasons to kill yourself maybe 1 2 or maybe even 10
But than there's over 100 reasons to live
Don't forget that.
There is ALWAYS someone that cares. Whether it's your parents or a sibling or someone at might seem like maybe they dont but...they do.
So I know it's already been like 4 months since you posted this and I want to make sure're ok. Because if you're not here's what you need to do: stop changing yourself. You don't need to change. Go back to smiling and not wearing makeup and wearing bright colors. Go to your friends and tell them you need help and if they don't take you seriously then they really aren't and were never your real friends. Just...dont give up. Never give up. Build trust with different people and start over. But please....thing will get better. It might be stormy now but it can't rain forever. I promise you.
It's so overwhelming to read all these comments. Don't give up. Don't ever give up. Thing will be better. Thirteen reasons why. Don't end up like Hannah who left her clay behind.
Hmm I strongly disagree. The actions spoken In this book can happen to any of us. Maybe not in this specific order but it can happen. I was betrayed by the one I loved and he started spreading rumors about me, and my Two closest friends turned there backs on me. Some things in this book can happen to real people. I really connected with this book. It night not me based on a true story but it's based on actual events in every day teen lives.
Dude back off.
Stay Strong!
U may not realise it but one day all this will be over! U will find a true fren :) I'm speaking from experience..
Everything that happened to Hannah can happen to anyone, it may seem like too much but it's true. My mother was sexually abused by several different people in just a matter of a few years.
One thing almost always leads to another. It may seem over the top but it can happen and it does.
Yes but if he stoped her...... Hannah I'm srry r.I.p see u later.....
wait... was thirteen reasons why a true story?
that would actually be really cool!
I like this. I would "like" if I could but I can't. so "like."
No, it isn't.
The book is good!
Hannah pissed me off! It wasnt Porters fault. She had her mind made up and he was the excuse, the permission she needed to do it.
She copped out.
Ive seen shit, bad shit, Ive known ppl who have been severely abused, were raised by parents smoking the pipe or shooting heroin, and trying to sell them for drugs, and guess what? they are ok now.
I wanted to die and I lived just one more day because it gets better, not right away, but it does. you just gotta keep going, 1 second at a time if need be.
Hannahs reasons were BS to kill herself. Im sorry. A bunch of f'd up mistakes that hannah didnt even really have control over and she put it on herself. she could of said something, stopped something. She chose to not grow a pair of lady balls and take the easy way out. while the girl who got raped is alive and dealing.
Hannah you're a fool and while suicide is sad after the fact its pointless.
My friend erie tried to die and almost did and when she woke up (was in a coma, tried to od herself) she cried and said she was glad she did NOT die.
they are gonna make a movie Hannah will be played by Selena Gomez and i hope Clay is played by Logan Lerman :)
I've now read the book in two different languages and it has the same power in both of them, i really could feel clay's feelings and i really could understand him
It's my favorite book and it helped me a lot some times
Life's worth to live, i knew that before but the books made me think about it seriously
Hey, hannah i'm sorry about what happpened i got bullied for 2 years and i felt like if my life was gone things would be better. But then you realize what would i do without my family, friends, support, most impotantly my crush! what would my future look like? what would it be like? would i make something new in the world? If you believen in yourself and know you can do it then you can. But you would have to see that stuff before anyone else would. :) <3
~ Jessi Marie.
i read the book its very nice it made me cry actually and i really feel sorry for clay he really like hannah and he wanted to helo her but it was to late because she killed her self��������������������������������������������
I have just read the book and its really good to understand what she was going through and what it feels like so we can try to shops out on the future.
Im on page 105 and im already in love with the book! Its not all made up fantasy.. Its something that could or has already happened.. Like 'The Fault In Our Stars', sad books but the truth written all other them.
Im on page 105 and im already in love with the book! Its not all made up fantasy.. Its something that could or has already happened.. Like 'The Fault In Our Stars', sad books but the truth written all other them.
First of all, can I just say thank you to Jay for creating such an inspiring book.
I, myself, have recently contemplated ending my life, and so I completely understand how Hannah feels. When my mum asked why I felt depressed and why I wanted to die, I couldn't give her a solid answer, and I haven't been able to give anyone a solid answer. Why? Because there isn't one thing that makes me feel such a way, just like Hannah.
I appreciate that the author made the group think the person was begging for attention, rather than making them give proper answers and advice, because that's what actually happens. Most of the time when you come out about having suicidal thoughts and/or are depressed, people think that you're begging for attention, which in a way, you are, you want people to see that you need help because you're too afraid to tell them yourself. You want comfort. But, you aren't doing it because you want everyone to focus on you and you want all the attention.
Even though Hannah is just a fictional character, like all other characters in books, I say thank you. Because for a character that lives in the few pages of this book, she understands me more than anyone in real life.
I wake up in the mornings, I wake up because that's what is expected of me. I do everything Im supposed to do in a robotic trance. I put a smile on my face and jerk myself into every movement, the thoughts that plague my mind are the most painful thing ive ever suffered through.......This book and an experince showed me something, heres what happened I went to church the other day looking searching for clearance and I found something much different I found a young man in my youth group who had a close friend who commited suicide, he said that his friend was always happy or so it appered he said that his friend always had a smile on his face and that it seems he did a great job of bottling everything wrong up inside. I saw how this young man reacted about his friend, what struck me the most is he said his friend was only 15..... Im 13.. What if Im next? what if nobody notices? I know that I probly don't have the right to say this but if your out their and you read this and your going through the same thing as me, stop putting yourself through this get help be happy and live out your dreams life is to short the be contemplating the end early. As for me im fighting this daily stuggle just as Hannah did maybe my story will end differently then Hannahs story im no searching for attention im just trying to tell my story so others with change their story or a friends story and will not end up with suicide has an unnecessercary implant
And youre an insensitive jerkoff. you obviously do not relate to Hannah the same way that other people including me, do. Stop being an ass. ~ Mele
This book is the voice for so many of us. From the suicidal teens to self harming people. It just sucks that Hannah had to commit suicide for Clay to realise his feelings and alk the chances he couldve taken as well as for him to notice skye. ~ Mele
This...was just amazing. Its awesome that youve written this because its like your testimony. youre showing how youre fighting and battling through this and youre trying to help others. Thanj you so much and I hope you get better because I know I am :) ~ Mele
hannah ..............heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
i dont see why people are talking to you. you are a fictional character and you are dead. and i live in uk . mum not mom. colour not color . color . i am a robot :O
OMGGGG hannahh is bae i love her so much she is not dead this is just a piece of shit made up hannah is my besto and i love her soooo much peace out hannah xoxox Head Cheerleader xox you deserved nothing but the best bae xxooxxo
Hannah i was on my holibags in amsterdam and my plane crashed i am stranded in the nuit region and you deserved none of this if i was there i would of stayed and help you but anyway bae love you sososos much.. ohno why am i talking to the dead oh no wait FICTIONAL dead first dobby and now you oh well
A very appropriate post. I'm so sorry Hannah. I'm so sorry that the teacher didn't do his homework :(
This is probably one of the best books I have ever read! The audio tapes on the website make it so much more realistic! This story really played on my mind and emotions! Can't wait for the movie!
hear this song.
Because Hannah was doing the tapes in order and in order for the tape to flow onto Jenny, Clay had to be involved. Also, Hannah wanted Clay to know why she made him leave at the party and why she didn't talk to him again after they made out at the party.
So, I guess I am not the only one obsessed with this book.
I am sorry Hannah.. I know a girl just like you.. I won't let this happen to her.
I'm sorry but i don't find if the story of Hannah is real.I mean, i ask myself if is it a thrue story or if is it a fiction story? Can you say it to me please? Because i love this book and he moved me, really
Double like.
the sad thing is there are a thousand girls and guys out there just like Hannah. I hope everyone treats them with care, kindness, and love, 'cause that's all you need to live. sadly, Hannah did not receive one bit of any but regret. take care - A
Hannah, I'm so sorry that you felt so lost and alone and that no one reached out to you even though now it's so painfully obvious you were drowning. I'd like to say I would have let you know you're not alone but I'm not sure how much of a difference it would have made when your whole world had just become so messes up. I wish you would have told someone. Told Tony, told Clay because they cared and do care about you so so much and they could have helped you. Maybe you wouldn't have felt so much like you were drowning, even if you still had to stand on tippy toes to reach the surface. I hope you're okay. Wherever you are, if anywhere. You're with Jeff, right? And well, who knows about Alex? I just hope everyone is as okay as they can possibly be. No suffering.
....this makes me wanna cry....
But... where is the rest of the tapes...?
Don’t you think ever about suicide how would it affect people you love if you did it ....?
Of course, it's fiction story.
Mr.porter exactly like our people...we’re shouting we want kill ours elves but...
They don’t care:)they just care about stupid things like hairstyles or makeup or anything else...I hate peoples. People make me feel pain all the time...I think like Hannah
I think whatever Hannah did or if someone suicides, then , there is a reason, and although it's gonna affect their near and dear ones, it's still their choice, it's an option always available to them, I don't understand why the fuck it is banned and considered illegal, they just can't take it any more, and we'll after they are dead, it's good, instead of crying , we should be happy for them, they left the fucking life they had.
Man, that's real?
I think mR Poter did his homework.Most people don't know how to help an individual who needs help unless help is asked.Mr poter waited to be furnished with information.when information is withheld how do you help??
Porter jump sucks
I so love this book!
Yo mate a Hannah Baker todos matamos a Hannah Baker todos tuvimos nuestra oportunidad de detenerla pero no lo hicimos
Ya verás maldito Bryce no vas a salir vivo...
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I cant find myself anymore
the book, the show, this website, the youtube channel with "hannah's" tapes. those all make it seem so real. i get sucked in to the fantasy of it all and sometimes i wonder, am i really contemplating suicide? or is it just because of the book and the show? i can imagine myself in hannahs shoes and oh, its such a horrible thing to imagine. but then at the same time i feel like it may all be worth it. life is a wonderful and horrible thing all at the same time. i just never know which one it is more. and if it is one more than the other, how do i know im making the right choice? if there even a way you can really tell? i hope someone sees this comment and replies to it but i doubt it since no one has posted one since dec 14, 2021.
How can you just left her to leave? This is now 2022 and the has even came out, but still why?
all of yall are sum niggas
I hope you enjoyed the show that they made!
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